Tuesday, February 4, 2014

First post for 'What's Up?'

Welcome to the first official post on the ‘What’s Up’ blog page. This page is going to be a working progress and with everyone’s help it is a place to share experiences, advice and support each other through sometimes the scary and unpleasantness of having a mental illness.

The topics are endless from what type of mental illness you or a family member or friend may have. Type of medication you use. Treatment plans. Psychologist treatments you have experienced and what has worked and what haven’t and so on.

What seems to be most effective way to contribute to this blog is to write in the comment box under each blog post.

If you want to bring up a topic then send the blog page a message and it will go up as a topic on the blog page and people can contribute and discuss.  

A search box will be added to the page so it will be easy to go back over or search for information if needed.

Your contributions and advice is everything! So please share away.

On another note never feel you have to contribute. Don’t get personal with full names, doctors, and psychologists. We want to keep this helpful blog safe and friendly.

If you have any questions please send a message to the blog and it will be answered ASAP.

Lastly below are some helpful websites if you are new to the mental illness game. The sites contain fact sheets, where do go for more answers etc. What is lacking is youth forums/blogs like this to get a hands on perspective.

Thank you,

‘What’s Up?’